The following list of publications is in reverse chronological order.
Journal Articles
- KaramiMohammadi, N., Andrews, J.B. “Effect of Voltage Boundary Conditions on the Sensitivity and Design of Coplanar Capacitive Sensors.” IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 7, no. 5, 2023.
- Chen, K.Y., Tripathy, P., Mondal, K., Zhang, H., Couet, A., Andrews, J.B. “Solution-Processed Schottky Diodes Enabled by Silicon Carbide Nanowires for Harsh Environment Applications.” Nano Letters, 2023.
- Tursunniyaz, M., Agarwal, V., Meredith A., Andrews, J.B., “Hybrid Nanomaterials Inks for Printed Resistive Temperature Sensors with Tunable Properties to Maximize Sensitivity.” Nanoscale, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 162-170, 2022.
- Biswas, A., Yin, S., Tursunniyaz, M., KaramiMohammadi, N., Huang, J., Andrews, J.B. “Geometrical Optimization of Printed Interdigitated Electrode Sensors to Improve Soil Moisture Sensitivity“. IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 20, no. 22, pp. 19162-19169, 2022.
- Tursunniyaz, M., Andrews, J.B. “Printed Capacitive Immunoassay for Detecting SARS-CoV-2 Viral Particles.” IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022.
- Schnittker, K., Tursunniyaz, M., Andrews, J.B. “Recent Advances in Printable Carbon Nanotube Transistors for Large-Area Active Matrices.” Journal of Information Display, pp. 1-17, 2021.
Work done prior to joining the University of Wisconsin – Madison
- Cardenas, J.A., Andrews, J.B., Noyce, S.G., Franklin, A.D. “Carbon nanotube electronics for IoT sensors.” Nano Futures, vol. 4, pp. 012001, 2020.
- Lu, S., Cardenas, J.A, Worsley, R., Williams, N.X., Andrews, J.B.,Casiraghi, C., Franklin, A.D. “Flexible, Print-in-Place 1D-2D Thin-Film Transistors using Aerosol Jet Printing.” ACS Nano, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 11263-11272, 2019.
- Lin, Y.C., McGuire, F., Noyce, S.G., Williams, N., Cheng, Z., Andrews, J.B., Franklin, A.D. “Effects of Gate Stack Composition and Thickness in 2-D Negative Capacitance FETs.” IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, vol. 7, pp. 645-649, 2019.
- Andrews, J.B., Ballentine, P., Cardenas, J.A., Lim, C.J., Williams, N.X., Summers, J., Stangler, M., Koester, D., Cummer, S.A. and Franklin, A.D., 2019. “Printed Electronic Sensor Array for Mapping Tire Tread Thickness Profiles.” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 19, no. 19, pp. 8913 – 8919, 2019.
- Andrews, J. B., Cardenas, J. A., Lim, C. J., Noyce, S. G., Mullett, J., & Franklin, A. D. “Fully Printed and Flexible Carbon Nanotube Transistors for Pressure Sensing In Automobile Tires.” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 18, pp. 7875-7880, 2018.
- Andrews, J. B., Mondal K. Neumann, T., Cardenas, J. A., Wang, J., Parekh, D., Lin, Y., Ballentine, P., Dickey, M., & Franklin, A. D. “Patterned liquid metal contacts for printed carbon nanotube transistors.” ACS Nano, vol. 12, pp. 5482-5488, 2018.
- Andrews, J. B., Cao, C., Brooke, M., Franklin, A. “Noninvasive Material Thickness Detection by Aerosol Jet Printed Sensors Enhanced through Metallic Carbon Nanotube Ink.” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, pp. 4612-4618, 2017.
- Cao, C., Andrews, J. B., Franklin, A. D. “Completely Printed, Flexible, Stable, and Hysteresis‐Free Carbon Nanotube Thin‐Film Transistors via Aerosol Jet Printing.” Advanced Electronic Materials, vol. 3, pp.1700057, 2017.
- Catenacci, M. J., Flowers, P. F., Cao, C., Andrews, J. B., Franklin, A. D., & Wiley, B. J. “Fully Printed Memristors from Cu–SiO2 Core–Shell Nanowire Composites.” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 46, pp. 4596-4603, 2017.
- Joh, D. Y., McGuire, F., Abedini-Nassab, R., Andrews, J. B., Achar, R. K., Zimmers, Z., … & Richter, J. “Poly (oligo (ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate) Brushes on High-κ Metal Oxide Dielectric Surfaces for Bioelectrical Environments.” ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol. 9, pp. 5522-5529. 2017.
- Arras, M. M., Jana, R., Mühlstädt, M., Maenz, S., Andrews, J.B., Su, Z., … & Jandt, K. D. “In Situ Formation of Nanohybrid Shish-Kebabs during Electrospinning for the Creation of Hierarchical Shish-Kebab Structures.” Macromolecules, vol. 49, pp. 3550-3558, 2016.
- Cao, C., Andrews, J. B., Kumar, A., & Franklin, A. D. “Improving Contact Interfaces in Fully Printed Carbon Nanotube Thin-Film Transistors.” ACS nano, vol. 10, pp. 5221-5229, 2016.
- S. Shetu, S.U. Omar, K.M. Daniels, B. Daas, Andrews, J.B., S. Ma, T.S. Sudarshan, MVS Chandrashekhar, “Si-adatom kinetics in defect mediated growth of multilayer epitaxial graphene films on 6H-SiC”, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 114, pp. 164903. 2013.
Book Chapters
- J. B. Andrews, J. A. Cardenas, A. D. Franklin, “Flexible and Stretchable Thin-Film Transistors,” Handbook on Flexible and Stretchable Electronics, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), 2019.
- Tursunniyaz, M., Andrews, J.B. “Printed Capacitive Immunoassay for Detecting SARS-CoV-2 Viral Particles.” 2021 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS), online, 2021.
- Kevin Schnittker, Joseph Andrews. “Investigation of the growth mechanism for hierarchical polymer/carbon nanotube nanohybrid shish-kebab structures to enable high-performance printable thin-film transistors”. Materials Research Society, online, 2020.
- Lu, J. A. Cardenas, R. Worsley, N. X. Williams, J. Andrews, C. Casiraghi, and A. D. Franklin, “Printing h-BN gate dielectric for flexible, low-hysteresis CNT thin-film transistors at low temperature,” Device Research Conference (DRC) Technical Digest, (2019).
- Andrews, K. Mondal, T. Neumann, M. Dickey, A. Franklin. “Eutectic Gallium-Indium Liquid Metal Contacts on Printed Carbon Nanotube Thin-Film Transistors”, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, 2017.
- Andrews, J. Cardenas, J. Mullett, A. Franklin ” Fully Printed and Flexible Carbon Nanotube Transistors Designed for Environmental Pressure Sensing and Aimed at Smart Tire Applications”, IEEE Sensors Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2017. Awarded top student lecture.
- Catenacci, P. Flowers, C. Cao, J. Andrews, A. Franklin, B. Wiley. ” Fully printed memristors from Cu-SiO2 core-shell nanowire composites”, Device Research Conference, South Bend, IN, 2017.
- Andrews, K.P. Miller, K.M. Daniels, MVS Chandrashekhar, A.W. Decho. “Electrochemical Impedance Signatures of the Lifecycle of Bacterial Biofilm Formation on Epitaxial Graphene Grown on SiC”, MRS Electronic Materials Conference, Columbus, OH, 2015.
- M. Daniels, N. Aich, K. P. Miller, J. Andrews, S. Sudarshan, MVS Chandrashekhar, “Real-Time Sensing of E. Coli Biofilm Growth Using Epitxial Graphene”, IEEE Sensors, Baltimore, MD, 2013.